☀️ Morning digest August 27

The following is a list of selected news summaries reported last night by the Vietnam News Agency.

☀️ Morning digest August 27

Hanoi (VNA) - The following is a list of selected news summaries reported last night by the Vietnam News Agency.

- The National Assembly (NA) on August 26 passed resolutions approving the Prime Minister's proposals for the appointment of three deputy prime ministers and two ministers for the 2021-2026 term, with the majority of deputies voting in favour.

With all the 432 deputies present voting yes (accounting for 89.81% of the total NA members), the freshly approved Deputy Prime Ministers for the 2021-2026 term include Nguyen Hoa Binh, Politburo member and Secretary of the Party Central Committee; Ho Duc Phoc, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Ministry of Finance’s Party Civil Affairs Committee, and Minister of Finance; and Bui Thanh Son, member of the Party Central Committee, member of the Government's Party Civil Affairs Committee, Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Party Civil Affairs Committee, and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Read full story

- The National Assembly will elect new State President at its session in October, General Secretary of the NA and Chairman of the NA Office Bui Van Cuong said on August 26.

At the press conference announcing the results of the 8th extraordinary session of the 15th NA on the same day, Cuong said the election will be made in line with the Party Central Committee’s resolution. Read full story

- General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and State President To Lam hosted a reception for visiting Commissioner General of the Coast Guard of the Republic of Korea (RoK) Kim Jong-uk in Hanoi on August 26.

The top Vietnamese leader highlighted that Kim’s visit demonstrates the sentiment and friendship between the two nations, and took the occasion to extend his sincere thanks to President Yoon Suk-yeol who has made great contributions to the Vietnam – RoK ties. Read full story

- Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh called for the early conclusion of negotiations on the Vietnam-United Arab Emirates (UAE) Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) at a reception in Hanoi on August 26 for UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi and leaders of 19 major UAE corporations.

Welcoming the Minister of State and business leaders from sectors such as logistics, energy, minerals, food, investment funds, finance, and banking, PM Chinh commended the progress in CEPA negotiations and highlighted the role of Al Zeyoudi as the UAE's chief negotiator. Read full story

- The Vietnamese Party, State, military and people always treasure the special relations with Laos in all circumstances, and bear in mind the valuable support of Laos for the nation during its struggle for national independence in the past and construction and development nowadays, a Vietnamese high-ranking military officer said on August 26.

Chairman of the General Department of Politics under the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) Senior Lieutenant General Trinh Van Quyet made the statement while meeting with General Secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith as part of his visit to the neighbouring country. Read full story

- Politburo member and permanent member of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee’s Secretariat Luong Cuong hosted a reception in Hanoi on August 26 for a delegation of the Communist Party of India (CPI) led by General Secretary Doraisamy Raja.

Cuong expressed his joy at the continued growth of the solidarity and special friendship between the two countries' Parties, States, and people. He extended congratulations to the CPI on its success in the recent Indian Lower House elections. Read full story

- Vietnamese airlines are bracing for a surge in air travel during the upcoming National Day (September 2) holidays, with flight schedules expanding to accommodate the rush.

Between August 30 and September 3, a total of 4,257 flights are set to crisscross the nation's skies, marking a 3% increase from the previous week and a 3.5% jump from the same period last year. Read full story

- The Republic of Korea (RoK)'s Ministry of Interior and Safety (MOIS) on August 26 announced that its emergency alert app, "Emergency Ready," will now support alerts in five languages, including Vietnamese.

Previously, the app provided alerts in English and Chinese. From August 26, it will also include Thai and Japanese. Read full story./.

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