Hanoi, (VNA) - The following is a list of selected news summaries reported last weekend by the Vietnam News Agency.
- Vietnam and Laos agreed on majororientations to bolster their partnership in 2024, during the 46th meeting ofthe Vietnam-Laos Intergovernmental Committee for Bilateral Cooperation that washeld in Hanoi on January 7 under the co-chair of Vietnamese Prime Minister PhamMinh Chinh and his Lao counterpart Sonexay Siphandone.

The two sides concurred to continue specifying andeffectively implementing agreements reached by the Politburos of Vietnam andLaos, the outcomes the meeting of leaders of the Communist Party of Vietnam,the Lao People's Revolutionary Party and the Cambodian People's Party, as wellas the joint statements and deals reached at this meeting.Read full text
- Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham MinhChinh and his Lao counterpart Sonexay Siphandone co-chaired a Vietnam-Laosinvestment cooperation conference in Hanoi on January 7, as part of thelatter's ongoing visit to Vietnam.
Along with highlighting the investment environmentand incentives for investors of Vietnam and Laos, participants evaluatedbilateral investment and business cooperation over the years, and sketched outcollaboration orientations in the future.Read full text
- Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh heldtalks in Hanoi on January 6 with his Lao counterpart Sonexay Siphandone who ison an official visit to Vietnam from January 6-7.

PM Chinh welcomed the first official visit toVietnam by Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone in his new capacity, and highlyvalued the achievements that the Party, State and people of Laos have obtainedrecently, especially maintaining political - social stability and nationaldefence - security, and boosting economic recovery.Read full text
- State President Vo Van Thuong hostedvisiting Lao Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone in Hanoi on January 6.

Thuong expressed his belief that the Lao PM'svisit and co-chairing of the 46th meeting of the Vietnam-Laos IntergovernmentalCommittee will create a new impetus for the great friendship, specialsolidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.Read full text
-National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong DinhHue had a meeting with visiting Lao Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone in Hanoion January 7, during which he affirmed that Vietnam always gives the highestpriority to the special traditional relations with Laos.

The Vietnamese top legislator congratulated Laoson successfully hosting the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Parliamentary Summit inDecember 2023 which helps foster the relations among the three parliaments inparticular and the three countries in general.Read full text
- Vietnam always attaches importanceto the good traditional friendship with Cambodia, President Vo Van Thuong toldvisiting Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Neth Savoeun during a meeting inHanoi on January 7.
Hosting a reception for the Cambodian guest,President Thuong highly valued the fact that Vietnamese Deputy PM Le MinhKhai and his Cambodian counterpart Savoeun delivered speeches whichspotlighted the flourishing relations between Vietnam and Cambodia at a meetingto celebrate the 45th anniversary of the victory of the war defending thesouthwestern border and, together with the Cambodian troops and people,defeating the genocidal regime (January 7, 1979 - 2024).Read full text
- A delegation of the Bulgarian NationalAssembly headed by Speaker Rosen Dimitrov Jeliazkov had a working trip to thenorthern province of Ninh Binh on January 6, within the framework of theSpeaker's official visit to Vietnam from January 5-9.

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee DoanMinh Huan briefed the Bulgarian guests on the local socio-economic development,potential, and advantages, while highlighting the province's tourismattractions.Read full text
-National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Huehas ordered Hai Phong to promptly translate its vision, perspective, and goalsinto specific and detailed plans, showing the best performance in implementingthe master plan of the northern port city to 2040 with a vision to 2050.
During a working session with the municipal PartyCommittee on January 6 afternoon as part of his working trip to the city, thetop legislator expressed his impression on the the remarkable 10.34% growth ofthe local Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) index, which is nearly twicethe national average.Read full text
- Chairman of the National Assembly (NA)Vuong Dinh Hue and other NA deputies of the northern port city of Hai Phong metwith local voters who are workers on January 6.

Applauding local socio-economic development lastyear, the top legislator said Hai Phong is a bright spot in the disbursement ofpublic investment, the recovery of tourism and services, and the implementationof social security policies, helping create jobs and improve the life qualityof workers.Read full text
-Six hundred gift packages and essentialgoods donated by the Consulate General of Vietnam in Osaka and Vietnameseassociations and businesses the Kansai region and adjacent prefectureswere presented on January 6 to Vietnamese interns and Japanese citizens livingin Ishikawa - the locality hit by the recent earthquake in central Japan.

In a meeting with Mayor of Nanao city ChataniYoshitaka, Vietnamese Consul General in Osaka Ngo Trinh Ha said that reliefgoods have been delivered to the Vietnamese and Japanese communities inIshikawa.Read full text./.