Mui Ne tourism site hosts int’l triathlon contest

A total of 180 athletes from 20 countries have competed at the international triathlon competition, “Le Fruit Triathlon 2009,” held in Mui Ne, Phan Thiet city, central Binh Thuan province.

A total of 180 athletes from 20 countries have competed at the international triathlon competition, “Le Fruit Triathlon 2009,” held in Mui Ne, Phan Thiet city, central Binh Thuan province.

The eighth annual tournament, designed especially for overseas athletes living and working in Vietnam , includes three categories, the Gecko for kids between 6-12 years old, the Stamina for those over 16 years old and the Sprint for all those who want to join regardless of age.

Belgian Knstof Van Houdt brought home the first prize at the Stamina category which involved a 750m swim, a 40km mountain bike ride and an 8km beach run. Swiss Amos Szvoboda and Aaron Benjamin became the winners at the Sprint (350m swim, 20km ride and 4km run) and Gecko (100m swim, 3km ride and 1km run) categories, respectively./.

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