A workshop was held in Myanmar ’s capital of Nay Pyi Taw on March 28to help with the country’s preparations to assume the role of ASE ANchairmanship for the first time in 2014.
The eventsaw the attendance of senior officials from Brunei , Cambodia andIndonesia along with representatives from the ASEAN Secretariat.
Addressing the event, Myanmar ’s Deputy Minister for ForeignAffairs Kyaw U Thant said that his Government greatly appreciatesreceiving experience from the previous chairs.
“Apart fromimplementing the Roadmap, the Chair has a key role to play in promotingASEAN centrality, and leads ASEAN as the primary driving force in itsrelations and cooperation with external partners in the evolvingregional architecture,” said U Nyan Lynn, Deputy Secretary-General forthe ASEAN Political-Security Community.
Discussions during theworkshop focused on remaining agenda items in implementing the roadmapfor an ASEAN Community, the lessons learnt and and the best practices inASEAN Chairmanship.
Participants also discussed ways toassist the Myanmar Government in building its capacity, and a review ofthe assistance so far provided by ASEAN member states, ASEAN’s dialoguepartners, and other entities.
The workshop was organised by theMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar and the ASEAN Secretariat incollaboration with the US Government-funded ASEAN-US TechnicalAssistance and Training Facility.-VNA