Myanmar gov’t, Shan group agree new peace pact

The central peace making group of the Myanmar Government and the Shan State Progressive Party’s Shan State Army (SSA)-North have reached a new peace agreement following their talks.
The central peace making group of the Myanmar Government and the Shan State Progressive Party’s Shan State Army (SSA)-North have reached a new peace agreement following their talks.

Myanmar’s Union Daily reported on May 12 that the four-point agreement called for observance of the agreement reached previously, coordination of the movement of the two sides’ troops, avoidance of illegal undertakings that may put burden on people, and prompt and transparent discussion over problems arising from the two sides’ mistrust.

Earlier, the Government and the SSA-North signed an initial five-point peace agreement in January 2012.

The agreement mainly covers ceasefire, allowing the Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP) to base in Wanhaiand open liaison offices in Taunggyi, Lashio and Kholan.

Besides, the transport of arms from mutually-agreed areas was agreed and talks at central level as well as cooperation in the fight against drugs continued.

Meanwhile, the Shan State Army (SSA)-South under the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) had reached an 11-point initial peace pact with the central government in Taunggyi, Shan state, earlier in January 2012.

Ten out of the 11 ethnic armed groups have signed preliminary peace pacts with the state or central government since President U Thein Sein announced peace offer with ethnic armed groups in August 2011.-VNA

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