During the morning working session, the legislatorswill discuss and vote on a nomination list, and cast secret ballots to elect thechairpersons of several NA Committees, the NA Secretary General and the StateAuditor General.
After the voting results are announced, the NA is scheduledto debate and vote on resolutions on the election outcome.
The Prime Minister will submit a proposal on therelief of a number of Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and Government members.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the National ElectionCouncil (NEC) will submit proposals on relieving several Vice Chairpersons andmembers of the NEC, and the State President will propose the relief of a numberof Vice Chairperson and members of the Council on National Defence andSecurity.
The proposals will then be discussed in groups, withdiscussion outcomes to be presented in the afternoon.
The PM, the NEC Chairman and the President willdeliver reports giving explanations based on the discussion outcomes regardingtheir respective proposals.
The lawmakers will vote on the proposals, and afterthe announcement of voting results, the NA is expected to adopt resolutions onthe voting results.
At the end of the daily working session, the PM willpresent a list of candidates to the posts of Deputy PMs, Ministers and Cabinetmembers. The list will be discussed by lawmakers in groups./.