The top legislator stressed that in 2020, thecommittee must be more proactive in its operation and implementation of workingprogrammes.
She urged the Government, the Standing Committeeof Ethnic Affairs Council, the NA committees, the NA Secretary General, theState Audit and relevant agencies to promptly act to implement resolutions andconclusions of the meeting.
During the 40th session, the NA StandingCommittee summed up the outcomes of the eighth session of the 14th NationalAssembly and discussed initial preparations for the ninth session.
After 28 days of working, the eighth sessionwrapped up successfully with the adoption of 11 laws and codes, and 17resolutions. Legislators also gave opinions on 10 bills, and conducted thematicsupervision on one issue.
Thequestion-&-answer activities during the session attracted specialattention, with voters and people nationwide approving the issues selected forthe hearings and appreciating the quality of those activities.
The ninth session is scheduled to take placefrom May 20 to June 17, 2020, focusing on law-building.
Accordingto NA Chairwoman Ngan, the NA will take one more step towards the building ofe-parliament at the ninth session to better serve people, constituents, and NAagencies./.