New Year celebration story of forest gatekeepers

Living away from their homes, wives and children and staying all day and night in deep forests make life tough for forest rangers of the Vinh canyon forest protection station.

Quang Nam (VNA) - Living away from their homes, wives and children and staying all day and night in deep forests make life tough for forest rangers of the Vinh canyon forest protection station.

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A VietnamPlus reporter (R) goes to the forest with forest rangers of the Vinh canyon forest protection station (Song Thanh Nature Reserve, central province of Quang Nam).


The song “Mot doi nguoi, mot rung cay” (A human life, a forest) resounded in the Truong Son mountain and forest shook people's hearts, especially when thinking about the hardships the "forest gatekeepers" face to protect the forests.

Working to keep the forests green forever

Living away from their homes, wives and children, and staying all day and night in deep forests make life tough for forest rangers of the Vinh canyon forest protection station.

I joined a forest patrol with the rangers of the Vinh canyon forest protection station. On the way to the “forest gate” by boat, head of the station Nguyen Minh Quoc could not hide his “loneliness” over living in the forest year-round.

Quoc said if you do not love this job, it is hard to stick with it because forest protection is an arduous profession.

“Sometimes it takes nearly half a month for a forest patrol. During this time, forest rangers must sleep in the forest. If it rains, it’s very difficult to cook. Forest rains and strong winds in April and May can make dry boughs fall from above like arrows,” he said.

That’s not to mention times when illegal loggers attacked forest rangers with weapons, Quoc added.

Meanwhile, Nguyen Van Dong, who moved from Phuoc Son district’s forest protection station to the Vinh canyon forest protection station, said that when forest rangers go to the forests, the issue they often face to face is not loggers, but rather attacks from blood-sucking leeches.

Dong and the other rangers also face a lack of phone signal in the deep forests, meaning they can’t keep in touch with relatives.

“I am sad, worried and love my wife and children, but this is a mission. We usually have one or two days off for each leave period, and we must return to work immediately if requested,” Dong said.  

When we were talking about the story, the boat reached the shore - the area considered "forest gate" of the Song Thanh Nature Reserve. We walked deep into the core zone, along streams, climbing up steep waterfalls and crawling through bamboo forests, before taking a rest and having a meal of wild vegetables.

Dong said that he worked as a ranger in the Phuoc Son forest protection station - the "hot" area of deforestation, and he tackled many deforestation cases and was often threatened.

"One day, I went into the forests and saw an erect wooden board with the words ‘Consolations for Mr. Nguyen Van Dong - Phuoc Son forest protection station’.  I knew that this was a threat but I was still determined to do my duty,” Dong said.

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Nguyen Minh Quoc, head of the Vinh canyon forest protection station (Photo: VietnamPlus)


Celebrating Tet in forests

During Tet festival, people nationwide reunite with their families. However, forest rangers sacrifice their own happiness to prevent deforestation and keep peace in forests.

For forest rangers in the Vinh forest protection station, a reunion with their family during Tet is a luxury, and most spend every Tet in the forests while employed as rangers.

New Year celebration story of forest gatekeepers ảnh 3"The forest is gold if we have a sense of protection and building.” (Source: VietnamPlus)

Dong said that in his 10 years in the job, he hasn’t had a single Tet with his family.       

“During the New Year festival, everyone wants to reunite with their relatives, but when you choose this job, you must realise that your mission is first," Dong said.

“Although we were not able to welcome the last Tet festival with our families, but those working in the station were also very happy because the station’s head and locals always care about our material and spiritual life,” he said

 “We still make Chung cake and decorate the station with peach blossom and ornamental trees during the Tet festival,” Dong added.

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Nguyen Van Dong (right) shows the reporter pictures of preparing for Tet in the forests (Source: VietnamPlus)

"The forest is gold if we have a sense of protection and building.”

This teachings of President Ho Chi Minh are always a lodestar for forest rangers to overcome difficulties to do well their task of managing and protecting forests./.

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A corner of forest (Source: VietnamPlus)


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