Oslo (VNA) – Vietnam always attaches importance to developing the traditionalfriendship and multi-faceted cooperation with Norway – the country’s importantpartner in Northern Europe, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said on May24.
Theleader made the affirmation during his talks with Norwegian Prime Minister ErnaSolberg in Oslo, as part of his official visit to the country.
PMErna Solberg expressed her belief that PM Phuc’s visit will contribute toenhancing the Vietnam-Norway relations.
Hostand guest highly valued the strong developments in the bilateral ties acrossspheres over the past time, saying the two sides have maintained high-levelmeetings.
Theyagreed to step up all-level delegation exchanges in order to create momentumfor cooperation in various realms.
PMPhuc thanked the Norwegian Government and people for their continuous officialdevelopment assistance (ODA) to Vietnam over the past years, helping thecountry in socio-economic development and fulfillment of the UN MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs), as well as international integration.
Hecalled on Norway to maintain its development cooperation with Vietnam andsupport the Southeast Asian nation in such fields as environment, education,economic management, administrative reform, and bomb and mine clearance.
Progresshas been made in collaboration in other areas, especially forestry,environment, fishery, renewable energy, maritime transportation andshipbuilding, the two leaders said. However, the bilateral trade has yet tomatch potential and strength of both countries.
They,therefore, consented to push ahead with negotiations of the free tradeagreement between Vietnam and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), towhich Norway is the coordinator.
Thetwo countries will encourage their businesses to expand their operation in therespective market, particularly in solar energy, petroleum technologicalservices and blue economy.
Theywill also promote the consumption and quality of their seafood, includingVietnam’s tra fish and Norway’s salmon.
Theleaders spoke highly the Vietnam-Norway Business Forum which was held earlier thesame day in Oslo as part of PM’s Phuc ongoing visit, saying the event helpedenterprises of the two countries seek cooperation opportunities and expandtheir investment and business.
Theytalked about partnership in education-training and culture, and agreed toassign ministries of the two countries to foster collaboration in new spheresregarding women, peace and security, tourism and sports, and people-to-peopleexchange.
PMErna Solberg lauded the role of the 20,000-strong Vietnamese community inNorway in developing the friendship and exchange between the two peoples.
PMPhuc suggested the Norwegian Government to create more favourable conditionsfor the community to work and integrate in the host society.
Duringtheir talks, the leaders concurred that Vietnam and Norway should strengthen theirclose coordination at multilateral forums, especially the United Nations, and withinthe cooperation framework of ASEAN-Norway and the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) inthe context that both countries are running for non-permanent seats at the UNSecurity Council, with Vietnam’s bid for the 2020-2021 term and Norway for the2021-2022 tenure.
Theyaffirmed their common commitments to sustainable and inclusive development inaccordance with the UN’s Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, emphasising affiliationin forest protection, response to climate change and sea level rise, andplastic waste management.
BothPMs noted with pleasure the two countries’ mutual support at internationalforums and multi-lateral organisations, as well as their efforts to join handswith the international community for not only sustainable development but alsothe global peace.
Regardingthe East Sea issue, they exchanged views on the importance of and the need toensure peace, stability, security, safety and freedom of navigation andaviation in the area.
Alldisputes should be settled by peaceful measures, in line with internationallaw, the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and otherrelevant regional documents, they said.
PMErna Solberg congratulated Vietnam on socio-economic achievements the country hasrecorded over the past time, and praised Vietnam’s rising role in the regionand the world, especially its hosting of recent major international events.
PMPhuc invited his Norwegian counterpart to visit Vietnam again in the time ahead,and PM Erna Solberg accepted the invitation with pleasure.-VNA