The origami cranes, made by artists Himiko Nguyen and Ha Rom withsilver paper from cigarette packets, reflect a Japanese legend andbelief that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted awish by the mystical crane that lives for a thousand years.
In this artwork, the cranes symbolise a prayer for continuation of life, says Himiko, who considers Japan her second home.
The cranes are among several poignant expressions of sorrow, despairand prayer that can be found at the Troi Vao Hu Vo (Flow intoNothingness) exhibition which opened in HCM City last week.
The family of Himiko Nguyen's "Japanese mother" lived in Ibaraki, oneof the three areas destroyed by the massive earthquake and tsunami thathit Japan on March 11. She still has no information about them.
The work of another artist, La Huy – Empty, Transparent Children'sCoats made of wax – reflects great personal pain. Huy's son is one ofthe disasters' many victims.
The group exhibition atthe Himiko Visual Cafe in HCM City also showcases the coal on paperworks of Nguyen Son, one of them titled Nowhere.
Himiko Nguyen said the exhibition was not a movement or subscription forcharity but an expression of sympathy over human fate./.