Overseas Vietnamese honoured for contributions to homeland

Deputy FM Vu Hong Nam has praised overseas Vietnamese for their great contributions to the homeland’s socio-economic development and diplomacy work, and to promoting Vietnam’s reputation in 2017.
Overseas Vietnamese honoured for contributions to homeland ảnh 1A view of the meeting between Vice President and Secretary General of the VFF Central Committee Hau A Lenh, Deputy Foreign Minister Vu Hong Nam and Vietnamese expats on February 7. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Deputy Foreign Minister Vu Hong Nam has praised overseas Vietnamese (OVs) for their great contributions to the homeland’s socio-economic development and diplomacy work, and to promoting Vietnam’s reputation in 2017.

During a meeting in Hanoi on February 7 with a delegation of 90 Vietnamese expats who returned home to participate in the annual “Xuan Que Huong” (Homeland Spring) 2018, Nam stressed that each Vietnamese expat is an ambassador, who helps promote Vietnamese culture abroad.  

The OVs expressed their joy at the greater attention and support that the Party, State and the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) have given to Vietnamese communities abroad, affirming that they will do more to make greater contributions to the homeland’s development.

Addressing the meeting, Vice President and Secretary General of the VFF Central Committee Hau A Lenh said the VFF will continue coordinating with international organisations and its partners in foreign countries to call for more attention and facilitation for Vietnamese communities.

The VFF will also enhance supervision and inspection of the implementation of the Party’s policies and the State’s laws related to OVs, he stated, adding that it will also work with relevant agencies and organisations to support the teaching and learning of the Vietnamese language for OVs.

The front will recommend the Party and State to draft more drastic policies to attract and facilitate start-up activities of young OVs in the homeland, he noted.-VNA

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