Party chief urges Quang Tri to fully tap resources for development

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has asked the central province of Quang Tri to fully tap all available resources to further step up its development in the time to come.
Party chief urges Quang Tri to fully tap resources for development ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong(Source: VNA)

Quang Tri (VNA)
– Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has asked the central province of Quang Tri to fully tap all available resources to further step up its development in the time to come.

During a working session with provincial officials on April 6, the Party leader hailed Quang Tri for its revolutionary patriotism tradition as well as initiatives to strengthen the Party building and personnel work, improve the business climate and expand relations with Laos.

Recently, Quang Tri has rather well dealt with the marine environment incident caused by Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh Company to ensure security and social order and welfare by assisting local fishermen in seeking new jobs and restoring production, he elaborated.

Regarding future tasks, the Party chief stressed the need to fulfill goals set by the 16th Congress of the provincial Party Committee, striving to achieve the average economic growth compared to the country’s level by 2020.

At the working session, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Nguyen Van Hung reported that the province’s gross regional domestic product (GRDP) rose 6.5 percent last year while the State budget collection exceeded 2.2 trillion VND, surpassing the set target.

The provincial Party Committee and its standing board held 36 working sessions and dialogues with local residents and grassroots-level units as well as launched a hotline to acquire public feedbacks on arising issues.

On the Party building work, as many as 2,116 individuals were admitted to the Party last year, up 7 percent year-on-year, Hung said.

The provincial Party Committee also designated 2016 as the year of administrative and business climate reform, while the provincial People’s Committee devised an action programme with nine commitments to investors, which helped push up the provincial competitiveness index by 10 places to the 43rd position and attract additional 38 projects.

Following the Party chief’s directions during his working visit in February 2015, Quang Tri has steered efforts towards agricultural restructuring and new-styled rural area building. The province has led the country in terms of forest coverage with more than 20,000 hectares and 31 out of 117 communes achieving the new-styled rural area status, he said.

The rate of poor households has dropped to 13.5 percent, Hung said, adding that as many as 10,650 workers have found new jobs and about 1,500 others have been sent abroad as guest workers.-VNA

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