As many as 209 tourists from the Republic of Korea(RoK) will come to Phu Quoc on a Vietjet flight and have a 4-day-3-night packagetour covering from flights to accommodation and a series of high-class tourism– resort – entertainment activities at Phu Quoc United Center.
The tourists will board Flight VJ3749 from IncheonInternational Airport and land in Phu Quoc International Airport at 12pm onNovember 20.
The tour’s whole itinerary has been coordinated byVinpearl’s strategic partner, Highland Marketing Tourism Company and VietjetAir to bring the Korean tourists, who have “vaccine passports”, to the Phu Quoc UnitedCenter following the international arrival guidelines of Vietnam’s Ministry ofCulture, Sports and Tourism and Kien Giang province.
This is an important step in affirming Vietnam’sattractiveness and ability to meet high-class tourism services when thecountry opens up to international tourists in a new normalcy context. It isexpected to bringing a travel experience called “Live Fully” to all travellersacross the world when visiting Vietnam.
The tourists will enjoy a safe and hospitableVietnam right after they board Vietjet flight thanks to exciting and surprisinginflight activities. In addition to Vietjet’s safe and comfortable airservices, the Korean travelers will also have opportunities to experience anextremely unique journey at the “one destination for all needs” Phu Quoc UnitedCenter, which owns a world-class ecosystem of tourism – experience – discovery– shopping – festival - art with the highest safety standards.
Following their arrival at the Phu Quoc International Airport, the tourists will need to go through health screening process andinstall IGOVN and PC-COVID applications on their phones before leaving forhotel check-in. All tourists will stay at Vinpearl Resort & Spa Phu Quoc,which has been approved to accommodate international travelers following atravel bubble scheme.
During their “4-day-3-night” vacation, the visitorsare supposed to conduct two quick COVID-19 tests on the first and last day oftheir journey. With negative results, they can go for sightseeing,entertainment, dining, shopping at the attractive places in the vaccinepassport’s itinerary at the Phu Quoc United Center super complex.
Also, they will be always advised to self-monitortheir health conditions, practice the “5K messages” and follow disease preventionmeasures during the trip.
In order to bring maximum peace of mind to eachvisitor, besides strictly following the instructions in the vaccine passporttourism guidelines, Vinpearl’s facilities maintain the activation of thethree-layer shield through maximum 24/7 health control, strictest hygiene anddisease prevention process in relevant areas while offering an enhanced set ofsafety standards.
As the opening event for the pilot vaccine passporttourism programme in Phu Quoc in particular and Vietnam in general, the firstinternational tourist group's arrival will be an important start and mark amilestone in the country’s efforts to restore the national tourism industry.This will also pave the way for the country’s step-by-step opening upand development in the new context. Following the first tourist group's arrivalon November 20, Phu Quoc is expected to welcome 20 international flights eachmonth in the coming time.
The super complex of resorts, entertainment andentertainment Phu Quoc United Center is located on Bai Dai beach, north ofPearl Island with a scale of 1,044 hectares, which is considered as a vaccinepassport typical tourist destination of Phu Quoc with system ecotourism oftourism - experience - discovery - shopping - festivals – world class art.
With Asia's leading "one destination for allneeds" model operating 24/7, visitors will be immersed in a series ofevents - bustling activities day and night, leisurely enjoying the space ofguest rooms, hotels and beach resort villas from 5-star brands such as Vinpearl,VinOasis, VinHolidays and Radisson Blu to 198 mini, boutique hotels, have funand explore endlessly with VinWonders theme park, Vinpearl Safari, CoronaCasino and Vinpearl Golf, among others in the inner part of the super complexwith the highest safety standards.
The new-age carrier Vietjet has not onlyrevolutionised the aviation industry in Vietnam but also been a pioneeringairline across the region and around the world. With a focus on cost managementability, effective operations and performance, Vietjet offers flyingopportunities with cost-saving and flexible fares as well as diversifiedservices to meet customer’s demands. Flying with Vietjet, passengers will haveopportunities to experience interesting and convinient services in flights withthe highest safety standards.
Vietjet is a fully-fledged member of internationalAir Transport Association (IATA) with the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA)certificate. As Vietnam’s largest private carrier, the airline was awarded thehighest ranking for safety with 7 stars in 2018 and 2019 by the world’s onlysafety and product rating website airlineratings.com and listed as one of theworld’s 50 best airlines for healthy financing and operations by AirfinanceJournal in 2018 and 2019. The airline has also been named as Best Low-CostCarrier by reowned organizations such as Skytrax, CAPA, Airline Ratings, andmany others./.