Prime Minister Nguyen TanDung made the statement while receiving Hideaki Omura, Governor ofJapan’s prefecture of Aichi , in Hanoi on April 16.
Vietnam always wishes to further increase cooperation with Japan inall areas and joins hands with Japan to boost the sustainable,long-lasting strategic partnership, the PM affirmed.
Japan isone of Vietnam ’s largest direct investors and major trading partners,and has been the largest ODA provider to Vietnam for many years, hesaid.
According to Dung, the countries can further boost theireconomic cooperation if they fully tap all potential and advantages. Inthis spirit, the PM said he wants Aichi prefecture to work closely withVietnamese ministries, agencies and localities in implementingcooperative activities, contributing to the Vietnam-Japan comprehensivecooperation.
Hideaki Omura said that many businesses from Aichiprefecture pay attention to investment in Vietnam , with more than100 Aichi firms already investing here.
The Aichi Governor saidhe wants the Vietnamese Government to continue facilitating the businessof Japanese companies, including those from Aichi prefecture.
Heaffirmed his commitment to continue taking measures to promotecooperation in education, health and tourism between Aichi prefectureand Vietnamese localities as well as creating favourable conditions formore Vietnamese students to study in Aichi.
The same day, amemorandum of understanding on training for doctors and nursesspecialising in cancer treatment was signed between the Health Ministryand Aichi prefecture.
Under the MoU, every year a doctor anda nurse are invited to take part in a one-year training course inJapan . Vietnam will pay travel and daily costs for interns.
This is the first step for cooperation in health care between the Vietnamese Health Ministry and Aichi prefecture.-VNA