In 2020, the Party, State and VFF have coordinated tomobilise people and all sectors to join in fighting COVID-19, Phuc told theconference to review the enforcement of the Government-VFF coordinationmechanism.
The VFF had hosted two virtual conferences to raisepublic awareness about COVID-19 and call on people to get engaged in fightingthe pandemic, he said, adding that he himself and VFF President Tran Thanh Manhave co-launched a drive calling for help from all Vietnamese in COVID-19relief efforts. It has raised around 2 trillion VND in a short period, the PMsaid.
This provides valuable experience for future cooperationbetween the two sides, he emphasised.
The Government and Cabinet members always listen to theVFF’s opinions, he said, while highlighting close coordination between theGovernment, authorities and all-level VFFs in implementing democracy atgrassroots, handling complaints and denunciations, and promoting dialogues toreceive public opinions and hear about their aspirations and timely settleproblems.
Both sides need to continue closely working in variousareas, particularly stemming COVID-19, he said, adding that they must not droptheir guard against the coronavirus though vaccines are available.
The two sides should also jointly consolidate great nationalunity, and strengthen social consensus, and promote democracy.
This year, they plan to review their coordination inpromoting sustainable poverty reduction and new-style rural building./.