While chairing the monthly cabinet meetingin Hanoi on July 30, PM Dung urged Government agencies to closelycontrol prices and resolutely apply market prices for electricity andfuel in a transparent and open manner while ensuring the balance ofsupply and demand of goods, especially essential ones.
He asked the State Bank of Vietnam to continue driving theinterest rate to suit the trend of inflation decline, helping stabilisethe currency market and macro-economy, and make it easier forenterprises to access capital.
The Ministry of Finance wasrequired to seriously implement finance-budget tasks, ensure a balanceof budget collection and spending, and prevent tax frauds and evasions.
At the same time, relevant agencies were alsorequested to drastically restructure the economy, especially State-ownedenterprises and banks. PM Dung stressed the need for the agriculturalrestructuring to ensure the sustainable development of the sector.
He urged the acceleration of land clearance for key projects as wellas the disbursement of official development assistance (ODA) and foreigndirect investment (FDI).
“Ministries, sectors andlocalities should work closer together in market and price control,while strictly dealing with smuggling and trading of low-quality goods,”he said.
Switching to social welfare issues, theGovernment leader called for a comprehensive package of measures tocontinue the social welfare policy with focus on underprivileged groups.
He suggested more mechanisms to support the poor,ethnic minorities and farmers in order to improve their lives, addingthat hurdles in the way of providing houses for low-income earners,workers and students should be cleared.
The PMdirected the Ministry of Health to review and keep a close eye on thevaccination process and step up measures to ease hospital overloads.
He also asked ministries, sectors and localities to be more active insupplying precise and full socio-economic information to the media,while considering feedback from the public to promote social consensus.
PM Dung commented on the socio-economic situationin the first seven months of this year, saying that it is on the righttrack and positive changes have been seen with comprehensive results,paving the way for the success of the tasks for the whole year.
He also pointed out that many sectors have faced unsustainable and slow growth, especially agriculture and industry.
Speaking at the meeting, Minister of Planning and Investment Bui QuangVinh said the socio-economy has seen good results in the January-Julyperiod.
He noted that the consumer price index inJuly edged up 2.68 percent, the lowest growth level in 10 years.Meanwhile, total seven-month exports were estimated at 72.74 billionUSD, up 14.3 percent year-on-year.
The index ofindustrial production (IIP) rose 4.5 percent, 6 percent and 7 percent inthe first and second quarters and July respectively. The number ofnewly-registered enterprises in the first seven months rose by 8.4percent year-on-year.
In addition, social securityand welfare policies were continued to be implemented, helping improvethe lives of people, especially the poor, unemployed and ethnicminorities.
However, Minister Vinh noted that theeconomy is also encountering many difficulties due to the risk of highinflation in the last months of the year, enterprises’ poor access tocapital, low credit growth and slow budget collection.
During the meeting, cabinet members also sought measures to removehurdles for the market, promote production, and rein in inflation inline with maintaining economic recovery and settling difficulties forthe property market.
According to Minister ofAgriculture and Rural development Cao Duc Phat, the market is thebiggest problem agriculture is facing. He suggested that otherministries join hands with his ministry to expand export markets foragricultural products.
Minister of ConstructionTrinh Dinh Dung said his ministry has coordinated with relevant agenciesand localities, especially Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City , toeffectively disburse the 30,000 billion VND housing credit package.
Deputy PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc highlighted the efficiency of Resolutions01/NQ-CP and 02-NQ-CP in controlling inflation, maintaining reasonablegrowth and ensuring social welfare.
He saidministries, sectors and localities should pay more attention to landclearance for key projects, strengthening administrative reforms tocreate the best conditions for citizens and businesses to work withGovernment agencies.
Pressing the significant roleof agriculture, Deputy PM Hoang Trung Hai called for more attention tomeasures to protect agricultural products in particular and exportcommodities in general in order to avoid possible economic losses.
Meanwhile, Deputy PM Vu Van Ninh stressed the need to settle baddebts, clear the way for capital flows and speed up restructuring.-VNA