Portal to support SMEs in Hanoi launched

The Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) Support Centre under the Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment has officially put into operation a portal to support businesses at hotrodoanhnghiep.hanoi.gov.vn.
Portal to support SMEs in Hanoi launched ảnh 1The portal interface (Photo: congly.vn)

Hanoi (VNA) - The Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) Support Centre under the Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment has officially put into operation a portal to support businesses at hotrodoanhnghiep.hanoi.gov.vn.

The portal will introduce policies and programmes of the Government and the capital city to support SMEs.

The portal is an address for individuals, organisations and businesses to find useful information for business activities; seek opportunities to cooperate with partners and promote products to customers; as well as seek technical and capital support from experts and investors.

This will also be the place to receive opinions from enterprises in Hanoi on issues that need to be solved.

At the same time, it is an online address for sharing knowledge, materials, experiences, corporate governance models as references for small and medium-sized businesses to spread among the business community in Hanoi./.

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