Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam and the Czech Republic have issued a joint statement duringthe state visit to Vietnam from June 6-8 by Czech President Milos Zeman and his spouse. Following is the full text of the jointstatement.
1. At the invitation ofthe President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, His Excellency Tran DaiQuang, the President of the Czech Republic, His Excellency Milos Zeman and Spouse,paid a state visit to Vietnam from 6th to 8th June, 2017.
2. The President of the Czech Republic was accompaniedby a sizable business delegation organised by the Confederation of Industry ofthe Czech Republic. The business delegation was made up of 60 representativesof companies from various sectors.
3. During the visit, thePresident of the Czech Republic held talks with the President Tran Dai Quang,paid a courtesy call to the General Secretary of the Communist Party of VietnamNguyen Phu Trong, the Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan,and met with the Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue. He also attended the Vietnam– Czech Business Forum and met with the Vietnam – Czech Friendship Association.
4. The bilateral meetingtook place in a friendly atmosphere of mutual understanding. The two Leadersinformed each other of the political and economic situation in their respectivecountries as well as their foreign affairs and external economic priorities.They also discussed concrete measures how to promote bilateral relations andexchanged views on international and regional issues of mutual interest andconcerns.
5. The President of theSocialist Republic of Vietnam reaffirmed that Vietnam consistently attachesimportance to fostering friendship and cooperation in all areas with traditionalfriends in the Central Europe, especially the Czech Republic. He congratulatedthe Czech Republic on its achievements in national development. The Presidentof the Czech Republic held in high esteem the achievements Vietnam had made ineconomic development. He re-confirmed the strong interest of the Czech Republicin furthering friendly and mutually beneficial relations with Vietnam.
6. The two Sides greatlyvalued the positive growth of the traditional friendship and cooperation in allareas over a history of 67 years of official relations between Vietnam and theCzech Republic; welcomed the maintenance and strengthening of high-levelpolitical dialogues as well as the exchange of delegations between ministries,agencies and regions of the two countries. The two Sides also expressed thepolitical will to create momentum to further strengthen the cooperation betweenthe two countries in areas of mutual interests.
7. In thisregard the two Leaders expressed their desire to launch the direct flightconnection between the Czech Republic and Vietnam. Both Presidents will taskthe respective national bodies to hold talks on the issue and conclude ondetails.
8. Both Sidesare pleased to accept the fact that the Treaty between the Czech Republic andthe Socialist Republic of Vietnam on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons and theAgreement between the Government of the Czech Republic and the Government ofthe Socialist Republic of Vietnam on Cooperation in Combating Crime had beensigned.
9. Thetwo Leaders expressed their satisfaction with the signing of 7 memorandums ofunderstanding between the following partners: Optokon Group and Sinh PhucTechnology Systems; Drevojas and Hao Canh Porcelain Production and Trading;East Sea Travel & Air Service Group and Indovina Bank; ClineX and Dapharco; Techniserv Group and Yestech; Na Homolce Hospital and VietnamFriendship Hospital; and Vari Jsc. and James Boat Technology Jsc.
10. The two Sides highly appreciatedthe encouraging result in trade and investment cooperation, reaffirming thedetermination to work together to raise bilateral trade turnover and rebalancethe trade between the two countries. The two Sides expressed their willingnessto create all necessary favourable conditions for each other to explore themarket and investment opportunities. Both Sides confirmed theirresolve to ensure favorable legal framework and facilitate friendly environmentfor effective cooperation of both countries’ investors and entrepreneurs.
11. The two Sides highlyvalued the role of the Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation between theCzech Republic and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and acknowledged thegreat potential and opportunities for cooperation between the two countries.The two Sides agreed to make thorough preparations for the 6th Session of the Committee, which is expected to take place in 2018 in Hanoi, Vietnam.
12. Both Sides agreed topromote and strengthen cooperation in various areas, such as agriculture,science and technology, environment, energy, education and training, culture, tourism, justice andlaw, etc.
13. The two Sides highly value the well-established relations inthe area of defense. Both Sides will seek ways to further enhance relations inthe area of defense across the spectrum.
14. The two Sidesagreed to promote the exchange and mutual support on international and regionalissues of mutual interest. The two Sides also agreed to coordinate andcooperate more closely at international and regional forums and organizations,especially at the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Asia –Europe Meeting (ASEM), and that they would consider supporting each other’scandidacy for membership in international organizations and forums. Both Sides are committed tomaintaining peace, stability, promoting maritime security and safety, andfreedom of navigation in and overflight above the South China Sea. The two Sidesstressed the importance of the settlement of territorial disputes throughpeaceful means, in accordance with international law.
15.Both Sides support the early signing, ratification and implementation ofthe EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).
16. The two Leadersstressed the importance of human dimension in political and economiccollaboration. The Leaders shared view that democracy and rule of law are thecore principles which both Sides are aiming to promote.
17. The two Sides agree to cooperate in the promotionand protection of human rights, including with regards to the implementation ofinternational human rights instruments.
18. Both Leaders shared the deep concern over the realthreats posed by terrorism, extremism, illicit drugs trafficking, and othertransnational organized crime to the world. In this regard, both Sides reachedmutual understanding that strengthening of the cooperation in countering thesethreats is needed.
19. The President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnamexpressed his gratitude to the Czech Republic for creating favourableconditions for the Vietnamese community living in the Czech Republic. ThePresident of the Czech Republic valued the contribution of the Vietnamesecommunity in the Czech Republic in promotion of the friendship between the twocountries.
20. The two Sides expressed their satisfaction withthe results of the state visit of the President of the Czech Republic to Vietnam,and considered this a significant political event in the strengthening and promotion of the traditional friendship and multi-faceted cooperation between Vietnamand the Czech Republic.
21. The President of the Czech Republic, HisExcellency Milos Zeman, expressed his sincere gratitude for the kind andwarm hospitality that Vietnam had accorded to him and his Spouse and the Czechhigh-level delegation and took the opportunity to invite thePresident of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, His Excellency Tran Dai Quang, to pay a state visit to theCzech Republic. President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam welcomed the invitationwith a great pleasure and expressed his willingness to visit the Czech Republicat a mutually convenient time to be communicated through diplomatic channels.-VNA