The support was confirmed following the signing of a relatedMemorandum of Understanding (MoU) between head of the delegationAmbassador Le Thi Tuyet Mai and the university.
The programme was launched in 2010, aiming to enhanceknowledge and understanding of the trading system among academics and policymakers in developing countries through curriculum development, research andoutreach activities by universities and research institutions.
WTO Deputy Director-General ZhangXiangchen said he believes that the joint work willmake significant contributions to the programme’s key target of supportingeducational and research institutions to synthesise information suitable forpolicy development serving beneficiary members.
Mai said she hopes that the FTU and experts will increase theirparticipation and contribute to the proposal and implementation ofpolicies and actions to address trade challenges, enhance the conduction effectivenessof trade commitments, and promote commerce and development, for the people'speace and prosperity.
The Vietnamese Delegation in Geneva has so far introducedthree Vietnamese universities to apply for the programme./.