According to Kristan Schoultz, Chief Representative of the UnitedNations Joint Programme (UNAIDS) in Vietnam, joint efforts of alllocalities will help deal with tough issues in HIV/AIDS control.
She added that it is necessary to be clearly aware that the fight isnot only the responsibility of central agencies and the health sector,but also every people.
Participants at the conference sharedviews on how to maintain sustainable financial sources for the fightagainst HIV/AIDS, key plans for the work after 2015 as well asdifficulties in the work.
Proposals of southern localities aswell as well as the role of the People’s Councils in supervising theimplementation of policies to fight HIV/AIDS were highlighted.
A friendly society to people living with HIV/AIDS is also crucial in ending HIV/AIDS, they said.
According to Hoang Dinh Canh, deputy head of the Ministry of Health’sDepartment for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control, currently, Vietnam hasover 226,800 people living with HIV/AIDS, including 71,000 sufferedAIDS.
He said the country’s strategy for the fight willfocus on targeted areas and high-risk groups. The HIV/AIDS combatingnetwork will be completed, while health insurance will be expanded forpeople living with AIDS, he added.
Canh revealed that thestrategy targets 90 percent of HIV cases are tested, and 90 percent ofHIV carriers receive treatment by 2020, thus eliminating the epidemic by2030.-VNA