President Putin stresses thriving Vietnam-Russia relations

The Vietnam-Russia strategic partnership is developing fruitfully, with regular political meetings, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin
President Putin stresses thriving Vietnam-Russia relations ảnh 1Russian President Vladimir Putin and Vietnamese Ambassador Ngo Duc Manh (second, left). (Source: VNA) 

Moscow (VNA) – The Vietnam-Russia strategic partnership is developing fruitfully, with regular political meetings, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

The Russian President made the remark at a reception in Moscow on April 11 for Vietnamese Ambassador Ngo Duc Manh and 16 other ambassadors who came to present their credentials.

President Putin said Vietnam and Russia have closely coordinated with each other, firstly within the framework of multilateral organisations in Asia-Pacific.

Vietnam is one of Russia’s leading trade partners, he said, noting that the two countries have also joined hands in military and military technology.

The leader also commended the effective operation of the Vietnam-Russia inter-governmental committee on economic, commercial, scientific and technological cooperation.

At the reception, President Putin stressed that Russia stands ready to support constructive initiatives raised by the ambassadors.

Vietnam and Russia established diplomatic ties on January 30, 1950.

Two-way trade topped 5.3 billion USD in 2017, representing a year-on-year rise of 35 percent.

The two countries are working together to raise the figure to 10 billion USD by 2020.-VNA

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