The two countries have also expanded cooperation in trade, high-tech agriculture,security-defence industry and education and training, he stressed.
The Vietnamese leader suggested that both sides strive to ink the bilateral FTAin 2018 and carry out measure to increase two-way trade to 3 billion USD in thecoming years.
The Israeli diplomat highlighted that agreements signed between the twocountries have created a framework to bolster the bilateral ties. Vietnam is animportant partner and Israel wants to promote collaboration with the country,he added.
Receiving Bangladeshi Ambassador Samina Naz, Quang affirmed that Vietnam alwayscherishes traditional friendship and cooperative ties with the South Asiancountry.
As the bilateral economic-trade cooperation has become more robust, reaching609 million USD in 2016, the President hoped that Bangladesh will import moreVietnamese farm produce, aquatic products and consumption goods while creatingfavourable conditions for Vietnamese enterprises to invest in infrastructure,power and telecommunication in Bangladesh.
He wished that Bangladesh will support Vietnam in running for non-permanentmembership of the United Nations’ Security Council for 2020-2021 tenure and theVietnamese candidate for UNESCO General Director Chair in 2017-2021 tenure.
Samina Naz committed to do her utmost to enhance relations between the twocountries, particularly economic-trade relations.
In conversations with Finnish Ambassador Kari Kahiluoto and Austrian AmbassadorThomas Schuller Gotzburg, President Quang called on the two countries to pushfor the early signing and approval of the Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement toopen up new business opportunities for enterprises from each nation.
Both the Finnish and Austrian ambassadors affirmed that their countries want toboost cooperation in multi-faceted fields with Vietnam.
In another reception for Cuban Ambassador Lianys Torres Rivera, President Quangstressed that the Party, State and people of Vietnam always treasure and wantto foster solidarity and comprehensive cooperation with Cuba. He said thatVietnamese agencies will cooperate and create favourable conditions for theCuban diplomat to fulfill his mission in the host country.
The Cuban ambassador underscored that Cuba and Vietnam have enjoyed rosyrelations in the past years, especially politics.
Cuba wants to further collaboration with Vietnam in various sectors, sheadded.-VNA