This information was announced by NguyenBac Son, member of the Party Central Committee, Vice Chairman of itsCommission on Information and Education and member of the Sub-Committeeon organisation of the 11 th National Party Congress, at a pressconference in Hanoi on Jan. 10.
Following are main contents of the press conference:
1. On the 11 th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnamand some information about the delegates at the Congress.
The14 th Plenum (10 th Tenure) held from December 13-21, 2010 decided toconvene the 11 th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnamfrom January 12-19, 2011 at My Dinh National Convention Centre, Hanoi.The Congress will meet for a preparatory session one day earlier onJanuary 11.
This National Congress of the Communist Partyof Vietnam is a routine event held every 5 years. However, the Congressis also of great historical significance due to a number of reasons.This is the first Congress of the second decade of the 21 st century.At this Congress, on the basis of the experience drawn from the past 80years of foundation, combat, growth, leadership of the revolution andthe domestic and international situation, the Party will deliberate,supplement and develop the Platform for national construction in thetransitional period to socialism, the Political Report of the 10 thCentral Committee submitted to the 11 th Congress, the 10-yearSocio-economic development strategy for 2011-2020, some supplements andamendments to the Party Statute as well as other important issues. TheCongress will also elect the Central Committee for 11 th tenure.
The Congress is attended by 1,377 delegates representing over 3.6 million Party members in nearly 54,000 Party cells.
Inaddition to the official delegates, the Congress also invites formersGeneral Secretaries, State Presidents, Prime Ministers, Presidents ofthe National Assembly, politburo members, Party Secretaries, Vice StatePresidents, Vice Presidents of the National Assembly, Deputy PrimeMinisters, representatives of the Vietnamese heroic mothers,representatives of eminent persons and intellectuals, representatives ofthe youths and member of the Inspection Commission of the 10 thTenure. The invited guests also include members of the diplomatic corpsand international organisations.
The theme of the11 th Congress is “Continue enhancing the Party’s leadership capacityand combativeness, promoting the nation’s synergy, comprehensivelyboosting the doi moi (renewal) process, creating the fundamentals forVietnam to become a basically modern – oriented industrial country by2020”.
The 11 th Party Congress will deliberate and adopt the following documents:
- Platform for national construction in the transitional period to socialism (supplemented and developed in 2011)
- Political Report of the 10 th Central Committee submitted to the 11th Congress (evaluation of the implementation of the orientations andtasks in the past 5 years; identify the objectives, orientations andtasks for the next 5 years)
- 10-year Socio-economic development strategy for 2011-2020.
- Report on the review of the Party Statute implementation with some proposals for supplements and amendments.
- Election of the Central Committee, 11 th Tenure, (2011-2015) – thehighest leadership body of the Party between the two Congresses.
2. On the preparation for the Congress
Since early 2008, the Politburo has met and given instructions on thenecessary preparations for the 11 th National Party Congress, partycongresses at various levels and the establishment of sub-committees onthe preparation of the 11 th National Congress.
In the processof drafting the documents, the Central Committee has given regularinstructions so that the documents must represent the spirit of reformand a scientific, dialectical, comprehensive, historical, specific anddevelopmental thinking. In the meantime, freedom of thinking must bepromoted to listen to different views in research and deliberations, anda mechanism must be established ensure that all Party members, cadresand the people can provide inputs, thus creating a consensus in theParty and people.
The Plenums at the end of 2009 and 2010 havediscussed and studied the draft documents of the 11 th Congress forfurther improvement and completion.
From May 2010 toNovember 2010, the Central Committee instructed Party Committees of alllevels throughout the country to organise congresses with 4 major issuesto be discussed and adopted, one very important of which is to provideinputs for the draft documents of the 11 th Party Congress.
Inparallel with the process of soliciting views from the Party system,the Central Committee also brought the draft documents to the public forcomments from the people living within and outside Vietnam . Thisprocess lasted for one and a half months, i.e. 15 days longer than thatof the 10 th Party Congress.
Building upon theinputs of the whole Party and people, the sub-committee ondocumentations of the Party Congress has considered, supplemented andcompleted the drafts of the documentations to be submitted to theParty’s Central Executive Committee for consideration and recommendationto be presented to the 11 th Party Congress.
The processof making recommendations and considering the contributions has beenthoroughly conducted in a scientific, serious and receptive manner,including the valuable inputs from intellectuals, managers, leadingexperts and entrepreneurs, and the Vietnamese people at home and abroad,and through various channels like letters, research results, articlesand radio programmes, etc.
3. Main content of the draft documentations:
3.1 Draft Platform for National Construction in the transitionalperiod toward Socialism, which is supplemented and developed in 2011:this draft basically inherited the contents of 1991 Platform, includingmajor supplements and developments as follows:
The 2011Draft Platform affirms that moving towards Socialism is the aspirationof the Vietnamese people, the right choice of the Communist Party ofVietnam and President Ho Chi Minh in line with the development trendof the history.
Characteristics of the socialist societydeveloped by Vietnam: this is a society of a wealthy people, powerfulcountry, a democratic, just and advanced society owned by the people; asociety possessing a highly-developed economy based on an advancedproduction force and a public ownership regime on major productionmaterials with a progressive culture imbued with national identity, alife of well-being, freedom, happiness and comprehensive conditions fordevelopment. The ethnic people within the Vietnamese community areequal, united, respect and help each other striving for development; acountry, with a rule-of-law socialist State of the people, for thepeople and by the people led by the Communist Party, which establishedthe friendship and cooperation with all peoples in the world.
Theoverall goal in the end of the transition stage is to fundamentallydevelop the foundations of socialism with an appropriate political,ideological and cultural superstructure, laying the groundwork forVietnam to be a socialist country of greater prosperity and happiness.From now to the mid 21 st century, the Party and people of Vietnamwill strive to build Vietnam into a modern industrial andsocialist-oriented country.
Major orientations to achievethe above-mentioned goals are the followings: accelerating the nationalindustrialisation and modernisation aligned with the development of aknowledge-based economy, protection of natural resources andenvironment; developing a socialist-oriented market economy; building anadvanced culture imbued with national identity; developing human;improving people’s life, realising social progress and equality;safeguarding national security, defence and social safety; conducting aforeign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship,cooperation and development; actively participating in the internationalintegration; building a socialist democracy; forming national unity,strengthening and expanding the unified people’s front; building up arule-of-law socialist-oriented State of people, for the people and bythe people; building a clean and healthy Party.
Withrespect to development of the socialist-oriented market economy, the2011 draft Platform identifies that development of thesocialist-oriented market economy includes various forms of ownership,multi sectors, forms of business and distribution. Economic sectorsoperating in accordance with the laws are important parts of theeconomy, equal before the laws for long-term development, cooperationand healthy competition. The State-owned sector plays a key role, thecollective-owned sector continues to be strengthened and developed. TheState-owned sector and the collective-owned sector increasingly becomethe foundations for the national economy. The private sector is one ofthe drivers of the economy. The foreign-invested sector is encouraged.
3.2 The Draft Political Report of the 10 th Party’s CentralExecutive Committee to be submitted to the 11 th Party Congress: Theassessment and review of the five-year implementation of the Resolutionby the 10 th Party Congress affirm that Vietnam has taken enormousefforts to overcome difficulties and challenges, recorded importantachievements in implementing the objectives and tasks of the 10 thParty Congress. However, there are limitations and shortcomings thatshould be dealt with. The draft report reviews that the ten-yearimplementation of the 2001-2010 SEDS has obtained outstanding andremarkable achievements and 20 years of implementation of the Platformon National Construction in the transition period toward Socialism havealso recorded outstanding and historic achievements.
The overall goal of the next five years is to continue to enhanceleadership capacity and the strength of the Party, comprehensivelypromote the course of reform, build up a clean and strong politicalsystem, promote democracy and national unity’s strength; develop economyin a speedy and sustainable manner; improve the material and spirituallife of the people; keep political and social stability; strengthenexternal relations’ activities; safeguard national independence,sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, laying the foundations forVietnam to become a modern industrial country by 2020.
Initially, the Draft Political Report points out some major indicatorsfrom 2011 to 2015 including the average GDP growth of 7-7.5 percent peryear; GDP per capita in 2015 is 2,000 USD, an increase of 1.7 timesagainst 2010. GDP structure: agriculture (17-18 percent), industry andconstruction (41-42 percent), services (41-42 percent), high-techproducts and products resulted from application of high-tech (35 percentof the total GDP) ; trained-laboured percentage (55).
On the factors ensuring the firm maintenance of the economy’ssocialist orientation, the Draft Report stresses on: The leading role ofthe State economic sector in a multi-sector economy; The need torealise social progress and social equity, ensure social security;Sustainable economic, cultural and social development in tandem withenvironment protection; The economic governance role of the socialistSate, the link between the State, the enterprise and the society indeveloping the market economy.
On the major tasks of the 11th tenure, the Draft Report identifies the following five key tasks:
1. Stabilise the macro economy, innovate the growth modeland economic structure, raise the quality, efficiency and sustainabilityof development; mobilise and utilise efficiently all resources; buildgradually modern economic structure. Further improve institutions of asocialist-oriented market economy.
2.Develop and raise the quality of education, training and humanresources; develop science, technology and a knowledge-based economy.Focus on addressing the issue of employment and income of workers,improve the people’s material and mental life. Take a decisive step inexercising social progress and equity, ensure social security, reducepoverty rate; improve healthcare for the people. Continue building anadvanced culture profoundly imbued with national identity, preserve andpromote the nation’s fine cultural values while acquiring the culturalquintessence of mankind. Protect the environment, be proactive in copingwith natural disasters and climate change.
3.Strengthen national defence and security potential; firmly maintainsocio-political stability, national independence, sovereignty, unity,territory integrity, social order and safety; check and foil all hostileforces’ attempts at sabotage; broaden and raise the efficiency ofexternal activities, engage actively and proactively in internationalintegration.
4. Continue promotingdemocracy and the strength of the great all-nation unity; improve, raisethe effectiveness and efficiency of the socialist law-governed state;renew and improve the operation of the National Assembly, the Governmentand local authorities; push forward administrative and judicialreforms; combat effectively red-tapism, corruption and wastefulness.Innovate and improve the performance of the Fatherland Front andpeople’s organisations.
5. Step up Partybuilding and rectification politically, ideologically andorganisationally; regularly “learn and follow Ho Chi Minh’s moralexamples”; enhance the Party’s leadership and combativeness; build aclean and strong Party, raise the quality of cadres and Party members;further innovate the Party’s leadership mode.
3.3Draft of the 2010-2010 Socio-economic Development Strategy identifiesits theme as: Continue to press on with industrialisation, modernisationand fast, sustainable development, building on the strength of thewhole nation, constructing a modern and industrialised Vietnam .
The Draft SEDS proposes the guidelines for national development forthe next decade as: Fast and sustainable development is the enduringrequirement; economically and politically appropriate and comprehensivereforms for the goal of building a wealthy people, strong country,democratic, equal and civilised socialist of Vietnam. Exercisedemocracy, making the most of the human factor, viewing individuals asthe entity, the main source and goal of development; strongly developthe production force with ever greater levels of science and technologyapplication while at the same time, perfecting the productionrelationship and market economy with socialist orientations; an everindependent and autonomous economy in the context of greaterinternational integration.
Overall goal of theStrategy is: To make effort so as to turn Vietnam into an essentiallymodern, industrialised country by 2020 with political and socialstability, a country of consensus, democracy and discipline; thespiritual and material life of the people markedly improved; nationalindependence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity firmlymaintained; the country’s role on the international arena continuallygrowing; creating firm foundations for higher development in laterstages.
Strategic breakthroughs include:
+Perfecting the socialist oriented market economy, with focus given tocreating a level playing field and undertaking administrative reforms;
+ Quickly develop skilled human resource, focusing on comprehensive reform of the education system;
+ Construct integrated infrastructure with modern constructionprojects, focusing on transport and metropolitan infrastructure.
4. Concerning personnel preparations for the 11 th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam.
The 11th Party Congress will elect a new Central Committee comprisingof exemplary representatives of the Party, with unyielding politicalattitudes, morally sound virtues, competent capacities to achieveassigned tasks, with high prestige in the Party and the community, withinnovative minds, ability to approach, grasp and address new and complexarising issues, capacity to unite, and rally individuals withscientific, democratic working methods, practicing what they preach,dare to think, to do, to take responsibility.
Wewill strive to increase the ratio of young, female, ethnic minority, andscientific researcher representatives in the new 11 th CentralCommittee to ensure succession of the previous Committee with the newelectives are no less than one third of the total members and there arethree distinct age groups.
The current CentralCommittee has actively made preparations for the Party Congress to electa new Central Committee, with extra candidates available for selection.
5. On the organisation of the Congress
The Congress will meet for one day (January 11) for the preparatorymeeting to adopt the Agenda, working modality of the Congress, elect apresidium, a secretariat, Delegate Eligibility Committee, and adopt thereport of this Committee. The official meeting will take place onJanuary 12-19, 2011. The main agenda items (such as discussion andadoption of documents, discussion concerning personnel and election ofthe new CEC) will be discussed during the official Congress. There willalso be a number of group discussions and plenary sessions.
Apart from the live broadcasts of the opening, closing and severalother sessions, there will be press releases made public daily. Some 600reporters from domestic newspapers and media and about 120 foreignreporters from international media agencies and press representatives of12 foreign political parties which the Communist Party of Vietnam hasclose relations with. We have established the 11 th Party CongressPress Centre with modern communication equipment. Apart from the dailypress releases and some thematic press conferences, we shall alsofacilitate all reporters to timely accurately and vividly cover theevents at the Congress as well as other facets of a rapidly developingVietnam .
We have informed the political partieswith whom we have ties with about the Congress. To date, we havereceived about 40 messages of felicitation from other political partiesand international organisations wishing our 11 th Communist Party ofVietnam Congress a success.
The Communist Party ofVietnam sincerely invites the diplomatic corps, representatives ofinternational organisations in Vietnam to attend the opening andclosing ceremonies of the 11 th Party Congress.
Todate, preparations for the Congress have been on time, realised with thehighest sense of responsibility, hugely contributing to the success ofthe 11 th Party Congress./.