Romanian politician’s book offers overview of Vietnam

Romanian politician’s book offers overview of Vietnam

The book " A Miracle Vietnam" by Dr. Pavel Suian published recently in Romania brings to readers an overview of Vietnam and is regarded as a valuable resource for those interested in Vietnam in this Eastern European country.
Romanian shipyard employs 130 workers from Vietnam

Romanian shipyard employs 130 workers from Vietnam

Vard Braila Shipyard, the company employing the largest number of workers in the eastern city of Braila in Romania, has employed 70 Vietnamese workers and plans to bring another 60 to cover its workforce deficit, the reported.
Deputy PM lauds Vietnamese expats’ contributions to homeland

Deputy PM lauds Vietnamese expats’ contributions to homeland

Vietnamese nationals in foreign countries across the world, including those in Romania, have made significant contributions to the socio-economic development in the homeland, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh.