Samsung helps train Vietnamese support industry experts

Samsung in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam officially launched its first course in the Republic of Korea on March 4 for Vietnam’s support industry experts.
Samsung helps train Vietnamese support industry experts ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

Seoul (VNA)
- Samsung in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam officially launched its first course in the Republic of Korea on March 4 for Vietnam’s support industry experts.

The course, the first of its kind between the two sides, will last for 14 weeks. Fourteen attendants are doctors from universities and government officials in charge of support industry from Ho Chi Minh City, Bac Ninh and Vinh Phuc provinces.

They will have the chance to learn about the world’s leading production processes at Samsung factories in Suwon, Gumi, and Kwangju as well as other outstanding enterprises in the RoK through similar cooperation programmes between Samsung and the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology. - VNA

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