Schoolgirl combining maths and fashion

A Grade 9 student in Hanoi has launched a small collection of unique and youthful fashion designs using motifs from mathematics to decorate silk outfits.

Each weekend, Nguyen Khanh, a student at the Hanoi Academy School, spends time on fashion designs. She especially loves Van Phuc silk, a famous traditional material in Vietnam.

She expresses her creativity and love of maths in using colours, basic drawings, and typical mathematical motifs, and hopes to highlight the universal practicality of mathematics in life.

Khanh said she first became interested in fashion when she was very young. The combination of mathematics and fashion inspired her to introduce her “Thanks” collection, which she created in gratitude to her school.

Nguyen Khanh’s fashion collection was showcased at the closing ceremony of the school year.

The achievement of the 9th grader contributes to conveying a positive message about creative spirit and promotes the national cultural values in traditional outfits./.