To reach this target, the Seafood Development Planning and ConsultancyCentre (SDPCC) has recently released a scenario for the country’sseafood development over the next ten years, under which, the annualseafood output will reach 1.62 million tonnes and the turnover ofexports will hit 6.5 billion USD during the 2011-2015 period.
Output is expected to be 1.9 million tonnes with a revenue of 8 billion USD over the following five years.
According to the Director of the centre Tran Thi Dung, the seafoodsector needs to invest in upgrading processing factories and buildingcold storages as soon as possible while maintaining exports to majormarkets such as the US , Japan and the EU.
The State should also arrange preferential loans for seafood businesses, she added.
Many seafood experts say that to boost sustainable development, thesector should build processing factories according to individualeconomic regions, ensuring that they are situated near the sources ofraw materials and industrial centres.
The sectoralso needs to prevent excessive and ineffective breeding which affectsprestige and productivity and establish a reputable trademark in theworld market, said Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao DucPhat.
In 2010, Vietnam ’s seafood sector faced alot of difficulties and challenges as key products like tra fish,shrimp and tilapia were named on the Red List of six European countries.
Vietnamese seafood products also faced a shortageof materials and workers as well as severe competition from regionalmarkets such as India , Thailand , Indonesia and the Philippines .
At present, Vietnamese seafood is available in160 countries and territories, making the country the sixth largestseafood exporter in the world./.