In the northernmost province of Ha Giang, the newlyrecognised 1,324 Shan Tuyet tea plants are in the districts of Bac Quang, HoangSu Phi, Quang Binh, Vi Xuyen, and Xin Man.
Vu Van Hieu, Deputy Director of the provincial Department ofAgriculture and Rural Development, said Ha Giang is home to the country’s secondlargest tea area, with over 20,500ha, and has an annual output of 94,000 tonnes.
Shan Tuyet is a speciality of the province that has becomepopular among domestic and foreign consumers thanks to its good quality,typical taste, and various products winning international awards, he noted.
So far, Ha Gianghas had 1,629 plants recognised as “Heritage Trees”, including the newlyrecognised ones. It is also the province with the biggest number of ancientShan Tuyet plants earning this recognition in Vietnam.
In the CentralHighlands province of Dak Nong, the group of valuable timber trees labelled “HeritageTrees” consists of 11 “thong ba la” (Pinus kesiya),two “muong ngu” (Samanea saman), one “gianghuong” (Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz.), and six "thong nang" (Dacrycarpus imbricatus).
All the trees are aged over 100. Notably, the “giang huong”in the forestry zone of the Thac Mo protection forest management board isnearly 450 years old.
In 2011, the Vietnam Association for Conservation of Natureand Environment launched a programme to select and honour thecountry’s heritage trees in a bid to conserve their genetic resources and raisepublic awareness of environmental protection.
It also aims to contribute to the diversification andabundance of Vietnam’s flora and scientific research in the field.
To win the honour, a tree must be at least 200 years old ifit is a wild tree, and at least 100 years if planted. Moreover, it should beconnected with historical and cultural characteristics of the area where itgrows. Those which do not meet the criteria but hold special scientific,historical or cultural values can also earn the recognition./.