Silkworms to create wealth in remote area

Farmers in remote Đăng Hà commune in Bù Đăng district, southern Binh Phuoc province, toiled away at inefficient cashew nut farming before switching to mulberry trees to breed silkworms. And the little worms have helped local people wiggle away from poverty.

Farmers in remote Đăng Hà commune in Bù Đăng district, southern Binh Phuoc province can earn handsome and sustainable profits from breeding silkworms, as investors have undertaken to buy them all.

Boxes of silkworm breeds can be bought for just 22 USD each, with 15 days needed to nurture them. Farmers could harvest 45 kg and earn a profit of some 100 USD on each batch.

Mai Kỳ Khánh from Hamlet 6 in Dang Ha commune has been planting mulberry trees and breeding silkworms for two years. He now earns over 500 USD per batch - quite a sum compared to his neighbors.

Local farmers had struggled with growing cashew nuts until they switched to new economic models, including planting mulberry trees and breeding silkworms. After seeing how effective the switch has been, local authorities are planning to encourage others to follow suit./.