Singapore mediaquoted the minister as saying at the summit that the ratification is a“further sign of Singapore's continued commitment to themultilateral system”.
The country has shown itscommitment to climate change with various domestic initiatives,including encouraging building owners and companies to adopt energyefficient building designs, equipment and processes by offeringincentives and grants.
Energy use is priced at market costwithout any subsidy, so that households and businesses use energyjudiciously, the minister added.
Singaporealso plans to increase its solar deployment from around 15megawatt-peak (MWp) today to 350MWp by 2020, which will meet 5 percentof its projected peak electricity demand.
“Through these efforts, Singapore generates relatively low levels ofcarbon emissions per GDP dollar in the world, ranking 96th out of 142countries,” he said.
Singapore’semissions grew at an average annual rate of 2 percent in the lastdecade, compared to 2.2 percent globally. Its GDP grew by 76 percentover the same period while emissions and energy use rose 22 percent and34 percent, respectively.-VNA