During thetrip, PM Lee came to the Mausoleum of President Ho Chi Minh to pay tribute tothe late leader of Vietnam.
The visitingleader had meetings with Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and State PresidentVo Van Thuong. He attended the official welcome ceremony hosted by PM Chinh andjoined his Vietnamese counterpart in holding the bilateral talks, witnessingthe signing of cooperation documents, and participating in an official banquet.He also met with National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.
At those events, the Vietnamese leaders hailed PMLee and the Singaporean delegation’s visit amid the 50th anniversaryof the two countries’ diplomatic ties and the 10th anniversary ofthe strategic partnership. They described the visit as an important milestonein the development of bilateral relations.
PM Lee underlined that relations between the twocountries have been flourishing and expanded to many new areas, adding Singaporeattaches importance to the continued enhancement of ties with Vietnam.
On thisoccasion, the two countries signed seven cooperation documents.
As part of the visit, thetwo PMs and their spouses attended a Vietnam - Singapore investment promotion conference;met with outstanding students of the Vietnam National University, Hanoi; and engagedin a dialogue with prominent young leaders from both countries.
Besides, PM Lee also tried Hanoi’s cuisine andwent for a stroll around Hoan Kiem Lake. The spouses of the two PMs visited VunArt, a cooperative of disabled persons making items from fabric scraps, in VanPhuc ward of Hanoi’s Ha Dong district./.