The 10-chapter, 46-article Law on Postal Services provides that thestate offers quality public postal services at reasonable prices. Italso provides all organisations and citizens in the country with equalrights to access those services, said the Office.
According to the Office, the new law was built on the former Ordinanceon Post and Telecommunications and other relevant legal documents,adjusting out-of-date rules to bring them in line with World TradeOrganisation and the Universal Postal Union requirements.
Meanwhile, the 12-chapter, 48-article Law on Economical andEffective Use of Energy aims to adjust consumer behavior to ensure thatenergy is used in a green and efficient way. It includes policies,measures, rights, duties and responsibilities of organisations,households and individuals in energy use.
Thebuilding and promulgation of the law is necessary and timely, meetingstate management requirements and the country’s integration into theworld economy, said the Office.
Last,but not the least, the Law on Disabled People institutionalises theParty and state’s policies and guidelines on the disabled in order tocreate a legal environment, positive conditions and equal opportunityfor them.
The 10-chapter and 53-article lawspecifies the rights and duties of disabled people as well as theresponsibilities of the state, the society and their families.
Social welfare for disabled people is one of the contentsstated clearly in the law.
In articles 44 and 46,the law stipulates that seriously disabled people are entitled to enjoymonthly social allowances and receive financial support for burialservices when they die. Those who take care of them will also receivefinancial aid.
The three laws will come into forceon January 1, 2011.
The Office also announced thepromulgation of a resolution on major national projects for submissionto the National Assembly. Under the resolution, projects with a totalinvestment capital of 35 trillion VND (1.84 billion USD) and above,including 11 trillion VND or above from the state budget, or projectswith serious potential environment impact such as nuclear power plants,must be submitted to the NA for approval.
Inaddition, those projects involving the resettlement of 20,000 people ormore in mountainous areas and 50,000 people or more in other regionsalso need NA approval.
Finally, projects withinnational relic sites and beauty spots also need to be signed off on bythe NA./.