Summit to look at IT in agriculture industry

The upcoming Asian-Oceania regional summit on information and communication technology (ICT) is expected to jump-start the application of ICT in the agriculture sector, organisers said on October 23.
The upcoming Asian-Oceania regional summit on information and communication technology (ICT) is expected to jump-start the application of ICT in the agriculture sector, organisers said on October 23.

The Asian-Oceania Computing Industry Organisation (ASOCIO) ICT Summit 2014, the biggest annual event of the regional software, IT and communications industry, will be held here from October 28 to 30.

The Vietnam Software Association (Vinasa) is organising and hosting this year's event, "ICT: The new paradigm in socio-economic development and agricultural restructuring", which is held alternately in the cities of 22 member economies.

"This is an opportunity for Vietnam to study experiences from around the world and make IT the new paradigm in socio-economic development and agricultural restructuring," said Vinasa Chairman Truong Gia Binh.

Binh explained that the summit, which was expected to attract about 700 domestic and international participants, would help speed up the development of the Vietnamese IT industry, as well as the country's economy and society, and create a new mark for Vietnam in the IT industry.

The summit will create numerous business cooperation arrangements between Vietnamese enterprises and international businesses in the region and around the world, Binh added.

Vietnam first won the right to host the summit in 2003 and won it again after 11 years.

The event represents the largest international association of IT in the Asia-Oceania region with 22 full member economies, including Japan, the Republic of Korea, India and Sri Lanka.

Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Malaysia are likewise members, as well as Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The United States has joined France, Britain, Spain and Canada in observing the proceedings.-VNA

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