The website at the address was built with supportfrom the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Permanent Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court DangQuang Phuong, US Ambassador to Vietnam Michael W. Michalak, USAIDChief Representative to Vietnam Francis Donovan and representatives fromthe Supreme People’s Procuracy, several embassies and internationalorganisations attended the launching ceremony.
Phuong spoke highly of the website which is said to provide updatedinformation on trials and activities of the judiciary, court verdictsand other useful legal information.
The website also includes important domestic social and economic news,a forum on judicial expertise and a section for questions andanswers about laws and expressing opinions on draft legal documents.
The publication of the court’s decisions on the website is the firststep in an effort to build a system of legal precedents in the country,Phuong said.
The website is a manifestation of effective cooperation betweenVietnam and the US in increasing the capacity of the judiciary,said Michael W. Michalak while lauding the Supreme People’s Court’sdecision to use the web portal as a channel to consult the public aboutlegal documents which directly affect to the country’s socio-economicdevelopment.
This is an effective way to ensure transparency and openness in thecountry’s judiciary, said the Ambassador./.