The document sent to provincial and city People’s Committees saidthat localities can use the vaccines based on the local disease situation, andwill evaluate the effectiveness following the vaccination.
The two vaccines that will be used are NAVET-ASFVAC and AVAC ASFLIVE, which have been approved for circulation.
These are the first vaccines of their type that have received the approval.In over 100 years, there had not been a licensed commercial vaccine against ASFin the world.
Prior to the approval, a pilot programme was conducted with over600,000 vaccine shots administered in farms across Vietnam.
Results in July 2023 show that pigs receiving the vaccine are ingood health. On average, more than 95% of the vaccinated pigs have a highantibody response.
An independent assessment by a USDA (US Department of Agriculture)delegation conducted in April-May 2023 also confirmed the results of vaccineresearch and production from the Vietnamese side.
The evaluation shows that the Vietnam-made ASF vaccines meetinternational standards, including those that have been developed by scientistsand submitted to the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).
The MARD’s document also noted that during this vaccination drive,local pig herds might have been infected with ASF or other diseases withoutshowing clinical symptoms.
Therefore, vaccination may cause an outbreak that leads to death.In this case, the infected must be culled according to regulations.
Local authorities will also work with relevant units and the twovaccine manufacturers, NAVETCO and AVAC Vietnam to administer the vaccinesaccording to the manufacturer’s instruction.
Localities will also report on the vaccination results andpossible bottlenecks to the MARD, through its Department of Animal Health forsolutions.
The two vaccine manufacturers are also required to ensure production accordinglyto the demands in the country and abroad to ensure quality and quantity as perregulations. Response plans must also be ready in case of unexpected risks thatoccur during the vaccination drive.
They will also provide guidelines to localities on technical criteria and theselection of pigs for vaccination.
The vaccine companies will also need to send vaccine samples to the NationalCenter for Veterinary Drugs and Bio-Products Control No 1 for quality checksfor at least 10 consecutive batches of vaccines.
The Department of Animal Health will provide support to localities andbusinesses in vaccine use and quality control, as well as coordination with USexperts on vaccine development for different types of pigs of different ages,as well as effectiveness evaluation./.