After the government’s meeting on the Thai-Cambodian case on October21, Surapong said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs proposed four possiblerulings for the ancient temple row. The first ruling is that the courthas no power to decide on the case or it has power but there is no causeto interpret the 1962 ruling.
The second and thirdpossibilities are to have the vicinity of the Preach Vihear Templematch with either the boundaries defined by Cambodia ’s map orThailand ’s map. For the last possibility, the court might give newdemarcations of the disputed area for joint management by the twocountries.
The minister said he wants the court touphold its 1962 ruling with both Thailand and Cambodia jointlymanaging the area. However, he voiced no concerns over possible unrestin Thailand if the court’s ruling is against the country.
Surapongadded that he and his Cambodian counterpart will discuss the ICJ rulingduring a meeting of the Thai-Cambodian Joint Commission for BilateralCooperation.
He said the discussion will be basedon peaceful coexistence to avoid military confrontation while confirmingthat the Thai army will abide by the meeting’s resolutions.-VNA