Thailand’s government is considering a plan to charge foreigners anentry fee from next January, aiming to raise the quality ofinternational tourists entering the country, according to Public HealthMinister Pradit Sintavanarong.
The plan was preparedand agreed by officials from the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, theMinistry of Public Health and the Royal Thai Police.
Under the scheme, international tourists will be charged 500 baht (16USD) on passing Thailand’s border gates. Those entering the country byland and staying no more than three days will have to pay 30 baht (0.96USD) a day.
Foreign travellers by air will have to pay 50 baht (1.6 USD) per day if they stay no more than three days.
Sitdiwat Cheevarattanaporn, Chairman of the Association of Thai TravelAgents (Atta), said the move is not in line with the Thai government’splan to promote tourism and will affect the tourism industry both in theshort and long-term.
The country is expected toreceive 28 million foreign tourists next year, and may earn around 14billion baht (450 million USD) from the proposed plan.-VNA