Bangkok (NNT/VNA) - Thailand is ready to host the 37th SeniorOfficials Meeting on Energy (SOME) to push for concrete regional energycooperation.
Thailand’s Energy Ministry Permanent Secretary Kulis Sombatsiri said that themeeting, which is scheduled from June 24 -28, will be held on the concept of“Advancing Energy Transition through partnership and Innovation”. It will beattended by representatives from 10 ASEAN countries as well as internationalorganisations, such as international energy agencies and internationalrenewable energy agencies, to discuss important policies at the regional level.
They include the power network interconnection to support more electricitytrade in ASEAN, which will be beneficial to economic growth, the energyconservation goal to increase the proportion of renewable energy in use inASEAN by 30 percent in 2020 and the presentation of the biomass powergeneration project in the three southern border provinces of Thailand, whichwill be applied to areas with the same characteristics in ASEAN.
For natural gas, ASEAN member countries will jointly develop the warehouse andtransportation pipeline system in order to support the increasing demand inASEAN from the current 10 million tons per year to 60 million tons in 2035.
The results of the discussion will be reported to the ASEAN Ministerial Meetingon Energy that will take place this September. – NNT/VNA