Bangkok (VNA) – The Thai Government is aiming to reduce the rate of road accidents by halfby next year.
Speaking at a recent national road safety meeting in Bangkok, Thai Deputy PrimeMinister Prawit Wongsuwan said traffic accident kills more than 21,000 each year – anaverage of 60 per day, makes over than 6,000 people permanent disable, andcauses economic losses worth 500 billion baht.
Accordingto the World Health Organisation (WHO), Thailand has the highest road fatalityrate in ASEAN and the ninth in the world, losing 32.7 people per 100,000population, compared to 18.2 globally, and 17.8 in Southeast Asia.
Under the Decade of Actionfor Road Safety 2011-2020 officially proclaimed by the UN General Assembly inMarch 2010, which is also known as “the Moscow Declaration”, Thailand isobliged to put in place enhanced road safety projects based on road safetymanagement, safer roads and mobility, safer vehicles, safer road users and post-crashresponse.
The meeting focused on integrating all road safety solutions into one synergycomprising all relevant government agencies, non-profit organisations and thepublic and private sectors. Participants also discussed ways to protect pedestrians,cyclists, moped riders and motorcyclists, who are termed “Vulnerable Road Users”by WHO. - VNA