CCSA spokesman TaweesilpVisanuyothin said that from April 1, visitors would not be required to show afit-to-fly document.
From April 1 to September 30, quarantinefacilities of various forms would remain operative.
In the first phase of relaxation of quarantine from April 1 to June 30, quarantinedarrivals would be allowed to leave their rooms to go to a gymnasium, outdoorexercise area, swimming pool and controlled areas for cycling and outsideshopping.
In the next phase of relaxation from July 1 to September 30, they wouldbe able to eat in restaurants at their hotels and have health massages.
From October 1 onwards, quarantine wouldbe required only for people arriving from specified areas.
On the issue of quarantine duration, Taweesilp said, from April 1 to September 30,arrivals without a vaccination certificate (VC) and COVID-19 free certificate (CFC) would be quarantined for 10 days, andbe tested for the disease twice.
Arrivals with VCs and CFCs would bequarantined for seven days and tested once. Those with VCs but without CFCswould be tested twice.
The 14-day quarantine period wouldremain for arrivals from areas where the COVID-19 virushas mutated, which is of global concern, Taweesilp said.
Thailandreported one more death and 100 new COVID-19 cases, 96 localinfections and four imported, on March 19, lifting the total to 90 fatalities and 27,594 cases./.