Thanh Hoa (VNA) – Sixty seven vesselshave been approved to be built for fishermen in the central province of ThanhHoa over the past three years of implementing the Government’s Decree 67 onmeasures to develop fisheries.
The fleet includes 18 logistic ships and 49offshore fishing vessels. 46 of them have been put into operation, 23 of whichare steel ships and the remaining wood boats.
As of June, commercial banks in the provinces,including branches of the Vietnam Bank for Agiculture and Rural Development(Agribank), Bank for Development of Vietnam (BIDV), and the Joint StockCommercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank), have signed creditcontracts worth a total 569 billion VND (25 million USD). Over 90 percent ofthe amount has been disbursed.
Nguyen Duc Cuong from the Sub-Division of Fishingand Marine Resources Protection under the provincial Department of Agricultureand Rural Development said the ships built under the Decree have helped enhanceoffshore fishing efficiency.
In operation, 15 out of the 23 steel vesselswere found encountering technical troubles, Cuong said, adding that they havebeen repaired in shipbuilding facilities.
The Department has advised steel ships owners toreport any problems with their ships to local authorities for timely repair,and not to leave them ashore, Cuong said.
Thanh Hoa is allowed to build 94 ships underDecree 67.
The province will continue providing financialassistance for repairing, maintaining ships built under the Decree and foroperation of logistic ships with the capacity exceeding 400 CV by 2020.-VNA