Thanh Hoa (VNA) – After Vietnam received a “yellow-card” from theEuropean Commission (EC) because of its failure to meet standards over illegal,unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, the central province of Thanh Hoa isrushing off its feet to minimise IUU fishing activities in the locality.
Accordingly, the province has prioritised the popularisation of the Ministry ofAgriculture and Rural Development’s Direction No.3727 on enhancing managementover seafood exploitation and ensuring safety for fishermen and fishing vesselsas well as the Government’s Direction No.45 on actions in response to the EC’swarning.
Inspections have been increased to address IUU fishing. Permanent revocation offishing license is the most severe punishment meted out for ship owners andcaptains who take their vessels to illegally fish in foreign waters.
The local Department of Agriculture and Rural Development asks for theinstallation and operation of vessel monitoring system in fishing boats andorders captains to keep journals of seafood exploitation. It also carries out adatabase system which gathers information about fishing vessels, catchingactivities, fishermen, registration and licensing of fishing boats in thelocality.
According to Nguyen Duc Cuong, head of the provincial Bureau of AquaticResources Exploitation and Protection, the agency has joined hands with theDirectorate of Fisheries, local border guards and the people’s committees ofcoastal districts to organise 15 training courses on seas and islands, safetyfor fishermen and fishing vessels, food safety and protection of aquaticresources.
Also, it has delivered leaflets and hung banners to raise public awareness ofaquatic resources safeguarding and food safety on fishing vessels.-VNA