Theclose coordination will help the Government obtain its growth target of5.8 percent in 2014 and create jobs for 1.5 million labourers, PrimeMinister Nguyen Tan Dung said at the fourth meeting of theconfederation’s executive board in Hanoi on June 6.
Theconfederation should continue working with authorities at all levels inrestructuring the economy, building new rural areas and developingfisheries trade unions, in order to protect offshore fishermen whocontribute to safeguarding the country’s sacred sea and islandsovereignty, he added.
PM Dung also asked the trade unions toclosely cooperate with authorities to pay more attention to improvinglabourers’ lives, protecting their legitimate rights and benefits andsupporting institutional reforms, while performing the Party and State’spolicies of global integration.
He affirmed that the Governmentwill work with the confederation and ministries to issue preferentialpolicies, facilitating fishermen’s operations at sea for economicdevelopment and poverty reduction, thus contributing to safeguardingnational sovereignty.
On China’s positioning of its drilling rigHaiyang Shiyou-981 in Vietnamese waters, PM Dung stressed that China’sactions are a serious violation of international law and threaten peace,stability, security, safety and freedom of navigation in the East Sea.He declared that Vietnam has used all peaceful measures in accordancewith international law to demand China immediately withdraw the rig fromVietnam’s waters.
Regarding demonstrations triggered by China’sillegal actions occurring in some localities, with some extremistsseizing the opportunity to destroy the property of many businesses,including foreign-invested firms, the trade unions made all-out effortsin preventing destruction and assisting damaged companies, thusstrengthening investor’s trust, he noted.
A statement protestingChina’s illegal placement of its rig in Vietnam’s waters is expected tobe issued by the confederation following a two-day executive meeting.-VNA