The centre will gatherEnglish, French, Chinese, Russian, German, Japanese and Koreantranslators to introduce Vietnamese literature to the world.
"Despite much investment by the State in the development of literatureand arts, these funds have mainly focused on new works, children'sliterature and literary criticism," said Thinh. "We don't have financialsources for translating literature."
Speaking at aseminar held recent in Hanoi , the chairman also stressed thatVietnamese culture would be isolated if not enough attention is paid totranslating literary works.
"The association will propose apolicy to develop translated literature to State leaders," he said inhis speech at the conclusion of the seminar.
The seminarwas held by the association to review work on translating literatureover the past decade. Participants at the seminar were known writers andtranslators who also discussed the role of literature translators,principles and requirement to literature translation and creativity intranslations.
According to a book entitled VietnameseLiterature Translators published in 2002 by the association'sTranslation Council in co-operation with the East-West Culture Centre,Vietnam has about 300 prominent translators who took part intranslations from the 14th century until the late 20th century.
During the past years, translated literature, including foreignliterature translated into Vietnamese, has made a contribution toculture exchange and international integration.-VNA