The three-day course, designed for 30officials across ministries and government agencies in the north, isexpected to help sharpen skills and knowledge for government informationofficers, according to the British Embassy.
A similar course will be held in Ho Chi Minh City from Nov. 15-17 for government information officers in the south.
Thecourse is conducted by Steve Hoselitz, who is a British media trainerwith a lifetime's experience in publicity and journalism as a PRconsultant, writer and newspaper editor. He has trained both journalistsand non journalists on projects for UNESCO, the United Nations, and theEU.
Belgian Ambassador to Vietnam Hubert Cooreman,a former spokesman for the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, andFinancial Times correspondent in Hanoi Ben Bland are expected to attendthe course to talk about communicating in a crisis and share view oninteractions between media and government spokespeople.
This project is part of a series of cooperation activities on mediaand information between the governments of the UK and Vietnam anda strong signal of the new Strategic Partnership.
The twocountries signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Information andCommunications in October 2010 with the view to strengthen bilateralcooperation in this area./.