The declarationhighlighted clear and feasible targets to chart a new path in theglobal efforts and response in HIV/AIDS prevention and control for thenext decade.
The targets include halving sexualtransmission of HIV and transmission of HIV among people who injectdrugs and putting an end to HIV transmission from mother to child by2015.
Other targets are to increase universalaccess to antiretroviral therapy, treat 15 million people withlife-saving drugs and reduce tuberculosis deaths in people living withHIV by 50 percent within the next five years.
The 17-pagedeclaration called upon governments to show their political will toreach the set targets by 2015 and strengthen global efforts to eliminatethe disease.
The declaration also emphasised theurgent need to facilitate access to HIV/AIDS prevention and controlservices for high risk groups, including gays.
Inthe declaration, governments committed to make grater efforts toincrease the longevity of HIV/AIDS infected people as well as thequality of their lives.
Member states also pledged to worktogether closely to raise the global funding for HIV/AIDS prevention andcontrol to 22-24 billion USD a year from now to 2015.
Anestimated 34 million people worldwide are living with HIV and another7,000 contract the disease everyday, mainly in poor countries. Theepidemic has orphaned 16 million children./.