UNCTAD Secretary-General highly values Vietnam’s policy frameworks, institutions

The State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) hopes the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) will promote assistance and shared experience to help the country improve the quality of auditing in new fields such as the analysis of the environment and information technology.
UNCTAD Secretary-General highly values Vietnam’s policy frameworks, institutions ảnh 1Auditor General of the State Audit Office of Vietnam Ngo Van Tuan (second from left), UNCTAD Secretary-General Rebeca Grynspan (second from right), and other officials at the headquarters of UN Office in Geneva (Photo: VNA)

Geneva (VNA) – Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Rebeca Grynspan spoke highly of Vietnam’s policy framework and institutions at a meeting with Auditor General of the State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) Ngo Van Tuan. Mr. Tuan led a delegation to the 13th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference from December 5 to 7.

At the working session in Geneva, Tuan informed his host about the public debt management, policies, and socio-economic development in Vietnam in the recent past.

He stressed that despite the COVID-19 pandemic, a decline in State budget revenue, and an increase in expenditure on pandemic response, social security, and infrastructure construction, Vietnam’s public debts remain under control. At the same time, socio-economic development has been boosted, and people's living standards improved.

Giving a brief introduction of the SAV, he said the audit sector has an important role to play in improving the management and use of public finance and public investment, thus contributing to the fight against corruption, negative phenomena and building clean and strong public finance.

Each year, the SAV carries out about 230 audits and issues some 270 audit reports to serve supervisory activities by the National Assembly and People’s Councils, as well as governance by the Government and People’s Committees. Its audits have helped detect and opportunely deal with wrongdoings in the management and use of public finance and assets. The office has also worked out overall solutions for securing budget sustainability in the future, according to the official.

Tuan said that the SAV is promoting and improving the quality of audits in new areas such as environment, information technology, and public procurement.

The Auditor General expressed his hope that the UNCTAD Secretary-General will promote assistance for and experience sharing with the SAV. He noted that it is important to help it connect with partners strong in these fields to open up cooperation opportunities for the SAV.

He also called for support for the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the UN, World Trade Organisation (WTO), and other international organisations in Geneva to successfully perform its tasks.

At the meeting, Grynspan recognised the Vietnamese official’s attendance in and speech at the 13th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference to share the country’s experience in the field and express the voice of developing countries.

She said she is impressed by the Southeast Asian country’s unceasing efforts to perfect policies and legal documents, contain the COVID-19 pandemic, boost socio-economic development, as well as realise the Millennium Development Goals and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Vietnam is a great example of success for other countries to learn from, Grynspan opined, adding it is Vietnam's effective institutional policies that have helped generate such impressive socio-economic results.

She noted that she has many relations related to environmental and IT auditing and can share practices with the SAV.

The UNCTAD and herself support and will promote the connection, comprehensive cooperation, and exchange with the SAV in issues of mutual concern in the time to come, the UN official said./.

Founded in 1964, the Geneva-based UNCTAD is the largest economic and trade organisation in the UN system. It forms part of the UN Secretariat, and reports to the UN General Assembly and the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Also serving as part of the UN Development Group, it and other committees and agencies of the UN measure the progress in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals under the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development.

It assists developing countries to cope with latent risks of extensive economic integration. Its overall goal is to promote economic development, including in trade, in all member states, especially developing ones. 

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