Vietnam always considers US as strategic partner: President

Vietnam always considers the US as a partner of strategic importance and is ready to work closely with the US to develop the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership in a more effective and practical manner on the basis of respecting each other's independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political institutions, thus bringing benefits to their people and contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world, said President To Lam.

President To Lam (right) and US Ambassador to Vietnam Marc Evans Knapper. (Photo: VNA)
President To Lam (right) and US Ambassador to Vietnam Marc Evans Knapper. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam always considers the US as a partner of strategic importance and is ready to work closely with the US to develop the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership in a more effective and practical manner on the basis of respecting each other's independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political institutions, thus bringing benefits to their people and contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world, said President To Lam.

While receiving US Ambassador to Vietnam Marc Evans Knapper in Hanoi on June 13, President Lam asked the diplomat to convey his thanks to US President Joe Biden for his congratulations on Lam's election as the State President of Vietnam.

The leader lauded the ambassador's great contributions to the Vietnam-US relations and asked him to continue paying due attention to and promoting the good relationship.

Congratulating Lam on being elected as the State President of Vietnam, Knapper reaffirmed the US’s commitment to supporting a strong, independent, self-reliant and prosperous Vietnam.

He said that after nearly 30 years of establishing diplomatic relations, the Vietnam-US relations have achieved practical important progress in all fields, including politics - diplomacy, economy - trade - investment, security - defence, science - technology, innovation, education - training, health - humanitarian issues, and settlement of war consequences.

Knapper expressed his belief that the relationship between the two countries will continue to reap more achievements in the coming time.

Agreeing with the ambassador's opinions, Lam said that to maintain the momentum of cooperation and effectively implement the comprehensive strategic partnership framework, the two sides need to increase meetings and delegation exchanges at all levels and channels, especially the high-level ones.

The two nations should promote cooperation, especially in economy - trade - investment to make it a bright spot and driving force of the bilateral relations, he said, adding that Vietnam and the US also need to gradually expand cooperation in security and defence, including cooperation in the fight against terrorism and transnational crimes, and cyber security.

The President called on the US to continue supporting Vietnam in overcoming the war consequences, responding to climate change, and developing high-quality human resources.

He also suggested the two sides to continue to cooperate closely and effectively at multilateral and regional mechanisms such as the United Nations, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and jointly plan commemorations for the 30th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic relations in 2025.

Knapper said that he and US representative agencies in Vietnam will coordinate closely with ministries, agencies and localities of the host country to effectively implement the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries in the coming time.

He affirmed that the US highly evaluates and supports the central role of ASEAN in the regional structure and will continue to promote the ASEAN-US comprehensive strategic partnership and the Mekong - US partnership.

The US will continue to coordinate with Vietnam in solving regional and international issues of mutual concern, thus actively contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region, the ambassador stressed./.


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