Hanoi (VNA) – A bilateral agreement between the Vietnamese and US Governments regarding anti-dumping duties on Vietnamese fish fillets was signed on January 20, marking the end of relevant disputes in Case DS536 at the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
Under this agreement, signed by the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) and the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR), Vinh Hoan Corporation – the only firm eligible for tax removal under US regulations and also Vietnam’s leading exporter of tra and basa fish – had anti-dumping duties cut when exporting tra and basa fish to the US.
This is the second time Vietnam and the US have reached a bilateral agreement to resolve a dispute at the WTO, following the case involving anti-dumping duties on warm-water shrimp in 2016 (DS429).
This outcome reflects the goodwill and efforts in negotiations from both sides. The Vietnamese side welcomed the constructive spirit, goodwill, and efforts to seek a bilateral solution by the US side, especially the US Department of Commerce and USTR. The US implementation of the WTO ruling also considerably helps strengthen its multifaceted relations with Vietnam, particularly as the two countries have elevated their relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership.
For Vietnam, this result reflects the close coordination for many years between the Government, legal advisors to the Government, and seafood businesses, especially Vinh Hoan Corporation.
The MoIT said this bilatral solution shows that the Vietnamese Government stands ready to use appropriate forums, including the WTO dispute settlement mechanism, to safeguard the rights and legitimate interests of Vietnamese businesses amid the country's increasing integration into the global economy.
On January 8, 2018, Vietnam filed a lawsuit against the US for violating the WTO’s rules by imposing anti-dumping measures on Vietnamese tra and basa fish exported to the US market (Case DS536).
Two years later, after the WTO panel issued a draft ruling for the involved parties to review before its official release, the US side suggested the Vietnamese Government postpone the issuance of the panel's report to negotiate a bilateral solution to resolve the case./.

US not impose anti-dumping duties on aluminum extrusions from Vietnam
The US Department of Commerce (DOC) will not impose anti-dumping duties on aluminum extrusions imported from 14 countries and territories, including Vietnam, according to the Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam under the Ministry of Industry and Trade.