This is part of the DOC’sfinal conclusions on tax rates in the anti-dumping investigation against honey imported from Argentina, Brazil, India, and Vietnam.
Accordingly, the anti-dumpingduties on Vietnamese businesses were cut down to 58.74 - 61.27 percent from410.93 - 413.99 percent in the preliminary conclusions.
This will help Vietnam’shoney industry maintain export to the US, the MoIT said, noting that it welcomesthe DOC listening to relevant parties’ opinions and adjusting part of itscalculation methodology.
However, the MoIT held thatthis result has yet to truly reflect Vietnam’s honey production and export.
In the US, there are twoagencies taking part in an anti-dumping probe, namely the DOC that determinesanti-dumping duties and the International Trade Commission (ITC) that assesses damagesuffered by domestic industries.
Anti-dumping measures willofficially come into force on the basis of final conclusions on anti-dumpingduties and losses to domestic industries in the US.
The ITC is investigating thelosses to the US’s honey industry and expected to issue final conclusions on May23.
Vietnam exported 56,133tonnes of honey worth about 82.1 million USD to the US in 2021, accordingto the ITC.
The MoIT said in the time ahead,it will continue working with relevant ministries and sectors, the VietnamBeekeeperss Association, and exporters to keep sharing information with the USagencies in the following stages of investigation in order to help Vietnam’shoney industry be treated equally in this case as in line with regulations ofthe World Trade Organisation./.